Signs of employee theft

Published On: January 1, 1970Categories: News

Despite using the best internal programs, theft can still occur. It’s important to keep aware of early warning signals of possible employee dishonesty, including:

  • Any hint of substance abuse
  • An employee with a disgruntled, belligerent attitude, often complaining to others
  • Bad temper or unpleasant behavior that tends to discourage or avoid questions
  • Inconsistencies in explaining discrepancies or errors in paperwork
  • Excessive loitering around the business by off-duty employees, former employees or friends
  • Secretive conversations among employees, or phone conversations that stop abruptly when you approach
  • Unusually friendly relationships or loyalty between employees and customers
  • An employee living a lifestyle that appears to be in excess of what the salary could be expected to support
  • An employee who habitually returns to the work area after others have left to retrieve something supposedly left behind

William J. Lynott is a business writer based in Abingdon, Pa.