Simple but effective tools

Published On: September 1, 2011Categories: In the Shop

Three simple tools aid fabricating efficiency.

Adjuster buckle

Adjuster buckleAn adjuster buckle used for tensioning hold-down straps can be used as a handy ½-inch guide for adding the hem allowance to the edge of patterns.

Homasote tables

Homasote tablesA layer of Homasote wrapped with a wide, heavy duty truck cover vinyl makes a handy surface to be able to stick pins into with ease. It is available at any lumber supply store.

Torx T-20

Torx T-20A Torx T-20 driver is handy to have in your work bag. It removes stripped out set screws with ease.

Mark and his wife, Deb, own and operate Hood Marine Canvas and Hood Marine Canvas Training Workshops in Merrimac, Mass.

Send us a description and photos of a time-saving tool that you created from scratch in your shop. If it runs in the magazine, we’ll pay you $25. Send info to