Four NMMA boat and sportshows recognized as Top Public Events
The International Association of Exhibitions and Events™ (IAEE) announced its Top Public Events for 2012. Four National Marine Manufacturers Association’s (NMMA) boat and sportshows were recognized in the Established Events category. The shows included were the New England Boat Show, New York Boat Show, St. Louis Boat & Sportshow and the Chicago Boat, Sports & RV Show.
Each year, thousands of business-to-consumer events take place in the United States. IAEE’s expert panel of independent judges carefully evaluated those that applied for recognition. IAEE honors public events in two categories: established events and new launches. Among the criteria measured were event demographics, best practices, customer service initiatives, employee training and motivation, innovations in marketing, and exhibitor and attendee support.
“We’re honored to receive IAEE’s prestigious award for four NMMA boat and sportshows,” said Ben Wold, executive vice president, NMMA. “As the recreational boating industry regains its footing and focuses on business growth, we continue to look for opportunities to make changes to adapt for today’s consumer and give them an experience to discover the boating and outdoors lifestyle. This recognition is a testament to our mission to deliver exceptional consumer boating and outdoors events across the nation.”
This year’s IAEE Top Public Events will be recognized at Expo! Expo! IAEE’s Annual Meeting & Exhibition Dec. 4-6 in Orlando, Fla.