Print production specifications

Published On: January 1, 1970Categories: News

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General information

The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) provides these specifications to ensure quality standards in advertisement print reproduction and the integration of digital content into our publications.

IFAI publications are printed completely with computer-to-plate technology (CTP). Please do not send film.

Digital specifications

IFAI publications are produced using the MAC Operating System (OS) platform. Windows-based Operating Systems (OS) page layout, graphic illustration and photo editing file formats will be converted to the Macintosh platform.

Desktop instructions

Images, colors and scans must be in the CMYK color mode at 300 dpi. Problems or errors encountered during preflight will be communicated to the advertiser for correction prior to print production.

Graphics software

Adobe InDesign & Quark Xpress v-6.5

File formats

The preferred file format is PDF/X-1A.
Files submitted as EPS (Encapsulated PostScript) or TIFF (Tagged Image File Format) cannot be edited for changes.


Adobe Postscript Level 2 or Adobe Open Type.
Printer and Screen fonts (must include both for all fonts used).
TrueType, Multiple Master or Windows fonts will not be accepted.


All specified color and artwork must be in CMYK using SWOP Standards. RGB and Pantone colors must be converted to CMYK, unless an additional color is specified on the advertising contract.

File submission


Please include the following materials:

  • Page layout files (native application files)
  • EPS graphics and scanned images that have been imported into page layout file (Please copy all graphics to the same folder containing your page layout files to avoid linking problems.)
  • Printer and screen fonts.
  • If you have applied any customizing to your fonts (ie: custom kerning) please let us know by adding a “Read Me” document into your job folder providing the details.

Color proof

A color “contract proof” generated to SWOP Standards created
from the supplied digital file are highly recommended for color
guidance on press.

NOTE: Submitting RGB laser color copy, PDF (softproof), or failure
to provide any proof with digital file materials will constitute “advertiser
acceptance” of the color “As Printed” in the published edition.

FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

Digital materials can be uploaded here.


Files less than 8MB (compressed) may be e-mailed as attachments


1801 County Road B West
Roseville, MN 55113-4061

Agency services

Let our creative services department design an ad for you.
We provide design services to our advertisers at no charge. **

Call your Advertising Representative today to get your
advertising success started with a fresh new print ad.

Let the professional graphic designers of IFAI improve your results!

** Additional charges may apply for the purchase of clip-art, fonts and images.
Please call your sales representative for information about this affordable option.