Leather fabric

Published On: January 1, 2014Categories: Features

Aquatic Leather introduces a unique textile made from actual fish skin, including carp, perch, bass, salmon and cobia to name a few. The company offers a variety of textile finishes, which include silk leather, glazed leather, and suede leather. This unique fabric is easy to mold and wrap to fit any product or innovative design. Its weight and durability is as thick as and tougher than cowhide and yet unlike cowhide it is water resistant and UV-coated. Just as the pattern of real aquatic animals is unique to every fish, each pattern is unique to the textile. No two products will share the same design. Aquatic leather is available in an array of colors and can be custom ordered to fit project needs. Aquatic leather can be used in such projects as head rests, car seats, door panels and dash boards.

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