Power sunroofs
Taylor Made Systems introduces a new range of glass and canvas power sunroof systems for the boating industry. The sliding-glass sunroof provides a watertight skylight when closed and a fresh-air experience when open. The sleek glass panel presents a clean seamless appearance with minimal visible framework. The electric control uses 12V or 24V power, and there is an emergency release mechanism for manual operation in case of a loss of power. A built-in manual pop-up vent is available as an option, permitting the owner to open a smaller vent without opening the entire roof. The retractable canvas roof units are designed so that the fabric unfolds and stacks neatly when retracted, maximizing the open area to allow more airflow into the space below. When closed, the fabric is tensioned automatically for a tight and snug fit. The canvas roof locks itself into the track for a leak-proof connection. The seamless double-skin fabric is waterproof and durable. All metal components are stainless steel.