April 2020
- Published On: April 29, 2020
President Trump announced that his administration would begin to reopen national parks as states relax COVID-19 related restrictions. The National Park Service (NPS) has closed many public lands and waters across the country to lessen the spread of the virus. Details regarding plans for reopening specific parks will be provided in the coming days following [...]
- Published On: April 27, 2020
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer signed new executive order 2020-59, which extends her “Stay Home, Stay Safe” order through May 15. The new order also removes some restrictions on outdoor activities like motorized boating. Leading up to the decision, the National Marine Manufacturers Association worked with members of Michigan’s congressional delegation, along with state level officials, [...]
- Published On: April 23, 2020
Miami-Dade County Mayor Carlos Gimenez announced a three-phase plan for reopening the county’s recreation spaces, including public boat ramps and marinas. While an exact date is yet to be determined, phase one will begin with limited access to green spaces and waterways, among other areas. Boating will be allowed from public marinas. Boat ramps will [...]
- Published On: April 22, 2020
The Marine Fabricators Association (MFA) is looking for speakers for its 2021 MFA Conference being held Jan. 7-9, 2021, in New Orleans, La. Speakers share their expertise with industry colleagues and receive a complimentary registration to the conference. Proposals must be free of commercial content and will be reviewed by the 2021 MFA Conference committee [...]
- Published On: April 22, 2020
Left Brain Marketing recently released a new study titled, The Impact of the COVID-19 Crisis on Anticipated Boating and Fishing Activity in 2020. The survey was conducted between March 22–31 and received 150 responses from boaters across the country. While the COVID-19 crisis will curtail boating for some, many boaters intend to remain active. The [...]
- Published On: April 20, 2020
New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy, New York Governor Andrew M. Cuomo, and Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont recently announced marinas, boatyards and marine manufacturers will be allowed to open for personal use as long as strict social distancing and sanitization protocols are followed. Chartered watercraft services or rentals will not be allowed, and restaurant activity at [...]
- Published On: April 16, 2020
Boating United, a grassroots advocacy community of boating businesses and supporters working to shape policies that affect boating, angling and outdoor recreation, has a new website. The new Boating United website, which is also home to the group’s legislative action arm, BoatPAC, has been transitioned to a more robust platform called SparkInfluence to allow for [...]
- Published On: April 15, 2020
Serge Ferrari, manufacturer of technical and performance flexible composite materials, has tested its silicone coated fabrics, Stamskin® One and Stamoid® Smart, against the most common and aggressive cleaners used in North American hospitals and healthcare facilities with excellent results, thus enabling the company to contribute in answering the current COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Serge Ferrari is [...]
- Published On: April 13, 2020
The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) has compiled two new resources to help the recreational boating industry navigate COVID-19: States’ COVID-19 Manufacturing Guidelines and COVID-19 Impact on Outdoor Recreation Access. As more states issue and revise emergency orders to stop the spread of COVID-19, NMMA is working to help manufacturers nationwide assess and understand the [...]
- Published On: April 8, 2020
To help manufacturers in the U.S. and around the world find ways to retool and manufacture PPE to meet the urgent need during the current COVID-19 pandemic, Autometrix Inc., an industrial equipment supplier in Nevada County, Calif., is offering free patterns for personal protective equipment (PPE) it has collected in conjunction with Kaas Tailored, TukaTech, [...]