NMMA announces modified 2021 boat and sport show schedule
The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) has announced significant modifications to its boat and sport show schedule in the first quarter of 2021. Following a thorough market-by-market analysis regarding the feasibility of producing safe and successful winter events, NMMA is canceling nine shows in the first quarter of 2021 and planning to move forward with three shows at this time, either as currently scheduled or postponed to a later date.
The modified 2021 NMMA winter boat and sport show schedule is as follows:
Proceeding as scheduled:
Progressive Insurance Atlantic City Boat Show–February 24-28, 2021, with the option to delay the show to early April 2021
Progressive Insurance Northwest Sportshow–March 25-28, 2021
Postponed to a later date:
Progressive Insurance New England Boat Show
Canceled for the winter of 2021:
Progressive Insurance Atlanta Boat Show
Progressive Insurance Baltimore Boat Show
Progressive Insurance Chicago Boat Show
Progressive Insurance Louisville Boat, RV & Sportshow
Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show
Progressive Insurance Minneapolis Boat Show
Progressive Insurance Nashville Boat Show
Progressive Insurance New York Boat Show
Progressive Insurance St. Louis Boat & Sportshow
For the three shows currently proceeding as scheduled or postponed to the spring, plans are subject to change. NMMA will continue to closely monitor the situation in each market and work with federal, state, and local authorities on those events.