Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Loaner program application now open
The application period to host a Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Loaner Station for the 2022 boating season is open through Feb. 1, 2022. The program started in 2008 and has made more than 83,000 life jackets available for boaters to borrow in 47 states and four territories. Presently, there are more than 800 Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Loaner Stations available nationwide, and all of them carry life jackets ranging in size from infant through adult ensuring that they are available for anyone needing to borrow one.
There is no cost to apply, and all materials are free. Any organization, boating agency, company, or municipality that is interested in receiving life jackets to restock an existing loaner station or adding a new Life Jacket Loaner Station to their area can fill out the application on the Sea Tow Foundation’s website at to start the simple process.
A limited number of loaner station building kits are also available to request. If selected, applicants will be notified by the end of March, and new Onyx life jackets will be shipped free of charge along with supporting materials needed to help set up and maintain a life jacket loaner station during the 2022 boating season.
The Sea Tow Foundation is especially interested in expanding into Arizona, South Dakota and Vermont where no Sea Tow Foundation Life Jacket Loaner Stations currently exist, but all locations are welcome to apply.
This program is made possible by a grant the Sea Tow Foundation receives from the Sport Fish Restoration & Boating Trust Fund, administered by the U.S. Coast Guard. To apply, click here.