Insect repellent apparel blocks sun’s rays

Published On: July 1, 2008Categories: News

Sloggers Garden Outfitters teamed up with Buzz Off Insect Shield to develop a collection of insect repellent apparel that blocks more than 98 percent of the sun’s harmful rays. Insect Shield’s process binds fabric with insect repellent permethrin, a human-made version of a natural insect repellent found in certain chrysanthemum plants, to repel mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies, chiggers, midges and no-see-ums. The odorless insect protection provided by Insect Shield apparel lasts through 70 launderings, and can benefit fabricators in the yard or at the project site. The apparel is sold through L.L. Bean, Orvis and ExOfficio.

SOURCE Insect Shield