July 2013
- Published On: July 23, 2013
The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) is pleased to announce the launch of Advanced Textiles Source, a website and digital publication devoted to the highly specialized technical textiles market. The website and digital publication launched July 2013. Advanced Textiles Source is the official publication of Advanced Textiles Conference & Trade Show, and of the Safety [...]
- Published On: July 18, 2013
The National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) has provided written comments to a proposed rule published in the Federal Register on May 21, 2013 titled Control of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles: Tier 3 Motor Vehicle and Fuel Standards. The proposed rule addresses the future of EPA policy on alternative fuels, which specifically would require car [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
The SnapRite System features a set of four dies that work with a standard rivet gun to install button, socket, stud and eyelet snap fastener components with more ease, speed and precision than ever before. Color-coded dies work in pairs to install snap components onsite for accurate positioning. The key to the system is the [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
How did your shop get started? I learned to sew from my mother, as did my three daughters; she helped me with my wedding dress and the first furniture I had, some car seats and a motorcycle seat. When the food factory I worked in for many years closed, I went to work for a [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
So why bother to join one of those online discussion groups? If you think a group is just one more dreaded task, you’re mistaken. Think for a moment about the insight and ideas you gleaned from your last professional conference. Or the practical tips colleagues give you on the telephone every once in a while. [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
I zoomed in on the mezzanine seating area in this photo for the basis of my drawing. We will never know the true total, but sometimes I wonder how many jobs are lost just because a customer couldn’t envision a project? I think fabricators and designers take their own visualization skills for granted [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
Sam Sloan, Ron Russell and Rich Ludwig in the Sloan Machinery booth at the MFA National Convention at Cape Coral, Fla., earlier this year. At Hood Canvas, as with all fabrication shops, the single-needle walking-foot sewing machine is the backbone of our business. Every shop has its favorite brand of machine and has [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
Sooner or later, everyone contemplates retirement. For those who own a closely held or family-owned fabrication business, retirement is more than just a matter of deciding to not go to work anymore. In addition to ensuring there will be enough money to retire, business owners, shareholders and partners must decide what will happen to the [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
Managing the elements: To keep out rain and spray from the ocean while keeping the interior of the vessel comfortable is a common request made of marine fabricators like Cindy Boersema - but every vessel is different, requiring a different approach to the design. Owners of The Midwestern vessel requested an upper bridge enclosure [...]
- Published On: July 1, 2013
Fun and very colorful series of squares or pixels in all the colors of the spectrum, from light to dark. When Charlene and Chandler Clark, owners of Signature CanvasMakers in Hampton, Va., wanted to improve their business, they turned to tablet computers. The mobile devices—an iPad for Charlene and Android for Chandler, purchased [...]