IFAI announces 2013 ShowStoppers award winners
The Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI) announces the 2013 ShowStoppers awards for the best of the best new products and services at the Specialty Fabrics Expo 2013 and Advanced Textiles Conference & Trade Show, at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla.
IFAI received a total of 97 entries from 53 companies in this year’s competition. Winners exhibited the newest; coolest; the most pragmatic and the most innovative; the most effective and the most efficient; the most economical and the most environmentally sound products and services in the specialty fabrics and technical textiles industries.
Winners were chosen by their industry peers in attendance and exhibiting in Orlando. ShowStoppers entries were displayed on the show floor in exhibitors’ booths and highlighted in a prominent voting display.
The awards were presented Thursday, Oct. 24 on the show floor by IFAI staff.
Following is a complete list of award winners by category. Some categories received more than one winner. The name of the winning product is followed by the company name and a brief description of the product.
Fabrics, Fibers & Films
Insect Barrier Netting — Tek Knit Industries
Protects cherries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and strawberries from the latest scourge: Spotted Wing Drosophila (outdoor fruit fly). Preliminary lab tests at universities were successful and large-scale field testing is in process. The Tek-Knit 80-gram fabric offers exclusion of any insect over .6mm plus protection from heavy rain, winds and other elements, while providing only minimum shade due to its color.
Webbing — Paiho North America
Special spun polyester material is applied to give a cotton-like look for reliable availability, consistent qualities and stable costs. Various raw materials may be applied to create different looks for all styles of designs. Applications include apparel, shoe and sporting goods markets. Special materials and treatments can be applied for industrial or medical markets.
End Products & Services
Rollac Tension Zip Shade — Rollac Shutters
Zip system allows shade fabric to be wind-tight in every position and insect-repellent in the closed position. Sun-protecting fabric has a special trim with a symmetrical zip that holds the entire structure firmly in the two side channels. All materials are 100 percent corrosion-proof and windproof up to 75 mph. The bottom bar disappears into the head box. Available with glass fiber, polyester and blackout screen.
Chemicals, Coatings & Compounds
Ultra Fresh DW-56 — Thomson Research
Controls the growth of fungi, bacteria and algae, dispersed into solution and applied by pad. Outdoor applications include cotton and cotton/poly blend ducking for canvas and awnings. Can treat filter media, polyester fiber for use in tow and cut, animal bedding, cleaning implements, air filter media, wall and window coverings and dust towels. Applications in water-based emulsions include adhesives, grout, mortar, mastics and latex coatings.
Equipment & Tools
3-D creator for pattern design — Optitex
3-D software drapes patterns on models included in the software or on user’s own model. Seamlessly integrates 3-D models with PDS pattern design. Offers unlimited number of body types by adjusting shape, height, circumference, muscle mass and other measurements. View style colorways and define print placement for fabrics, textures, stitches, buttons and logos. Share 3-D samples or finished products with anyone with a free 3-D viewer.
Proliner — Prodim
Efficient and innovative tool for getting accurate dimensions on site. Digitize existing shapes and objects, edit, create shop tickets, get client approval, email results and more. Portable and lightweight, features include on-board CAD system, CAD/CAM compatibility and training and support. Measures up to 20 to 60 feet from one location depending on model.
Hardware, Findings & Accessories
Drawcord/Shoelace — Paiho North America
Complex designs with abundant colors and patterns create three-dimensional presentations on drawcords and shoelaces that are both functional and decorative. Endless combinations of colors and patterns available. For apparel, shoe and sporting goods markets. Different types of materials and treatments are available for industrial and medical markets.
Q-snap — Surefas Next Generation Fasteners
Easy to use, stainless steel Q-SNAP is like a normal press fastener with two additional parts: a ring underneath the cloth and a gentle hook on deck. Turns fastener into secured connection that won’t pop loose, while incorporating a stretch-function (lever). Developed for covers and spray hoods on boats, appropriate for any application requiring secure textiles: cushions and sunbeds on mega yachts, baby strollers, sunshades, furniture and more.
About IFAI
The Industrial Fabrics Association International is the world’s leading and longest-running specialty fabrics trade organization since 1912, with nearly 1,800 member companies located in 55 countries. IFAI publishes seven market-specific magazines and organizes global industry events.