SBA revises size standards for wholesale trade and retail trade industries
The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) increased small business size standards affecting businesses in 46 industries in North American Classification System (NAICS) sector 42, wholesale trade, and in one industry in sector 44-45, retail trade. The final rule was published in the Federal Register on Jan. 25 and will be effective Feb. 26.
SBA reviewed 73 employee based size standards in those sectors to determine whether they should be revised or retained. The revised size standards would define the maximum number of employees a firm could have to still be a small business. Nearly 4,000 more firms will become eligible for SBA’s loan programs under the revised size standards.
The final rule can be viewed at, identified by the following RIN number: RIN 3245-AG49.
Read the white paper “Size Standards Methodology” for more information about how SBA establishes, reviews or modifies its receipts based and employee based small business size standards.