RBFF reports record high fishing participation in 2023

Published On: July 24, 2024Categories: Industry News, News

The post-pandemic surge of participation in fishing continues to get record numbers of participants on the water, but data from the Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation’s (RBFF) 2024 Special Report on Fishing finds churn continues to pose a significant challenge for the industry—especially among female participants.

In 2023, 57.7 million Americans ages 6 and over took to the nation’s waterways to enjoy recreational fishing, a 6% increase from 2022. These numbers topped the all-time records set in 2020 amid COVID-related shutdowns, and data continues to underscore the critical importance of introducing fishing at a young age.

Retaining newcomers remains an integral part of fishing’s continued success. Eighty-seven percent of current fishing participants fished before the age of 12, but participation rates fell sharply after a child turned 18, and specifically female youth quit fishing at an 11% higher rate than male youth.

According to the new report, relaxation was a key driver for new anglers in 2023. Many new anglers also reported that spending time with family and friends inspired fishing. In addition to these results, the report provides a comprehensive look at the state of fishing participation in the U.S.:

  • 21.3 million women went fishing in 2023, the highest number of female participants on record. Females represented 37% of total anglers and 41 percent of first-time participants.
  • 4.2 million Americans tried fishing for the first time in 2023.
  • Fishing participation nearly doubled in a decade among Hispanic Americans ages 6 and over, increasing from 3.5 million in 2013 to 6.3 million in 2023.
  • 2023 brought a fly-fishing milestone, as participation topped 8 million for the first time.
  • 5.2 million Black Americans ages 6 and over fished in 2023, the highest number since activity tracking began in 2007.
  • Saltwater fishing’s growth continued in 2023, as participation increased 5% to 15 million participants – the highest number on record, exceeding 2020 by 500,000 anglers, and pre-COVID 2019 by nearly 2 million.

The Special Report on Fishing, an annual report in its 14th year, provides an overview of fishing participation in the U.S., including participation numbers among key groups, barriers to entry, reasons for participation and more. RBFF created the report in partnership with the Outdoor Foundation. To see the full report, visit TakeMeFishing.Org/SpecialReport.