Submissions open for Tools, Tips and Tricks contest

Published On: December 4, 2024Categories: ATA News, Company News, Industry News, News

Do you have innovative tips, clever how-to ideas or DIY techniques that could make a big impact in the marine fabrication industry? Even the simplest idea can make waves.

The Marine Fabricators Conference is accepting submissions for their annual Tools, Tips and Tricks contest. Organizers are looking for simple solutions to share with the industry that save time and money, or help with doing a job in a unique way. Unlike previous years, the rules of anonymity have been lifted: Submitters don’t need to hide who they are or their company logo.

No tool, tip or trick is too small—one year, the winner submitted their zipper storage. It was a plastic bin with a hole cut out of the lid, so they could easily pull out the zipper and cut to size—simple, but brilliant. The submitter won a roll of fabric for sharing that nugget of gold; prizes this year include:

  • 1st Place: 5 yards of Masterpiece Marine Quilt material—worth up to $1000 (provided by Keyston Bros), full registration to Marine Fabricators Conference 2026 and Don Racine Award
  • 2nd Place: Roll of Stamoid (Provided by Serge Ferrari)
  • 3rd Place: $250 Visa Gift Card (provided by Robeco)

All submitters will receive a commemorative gift, and all submitters who are at the conference’s the Tools, Tips and Tricks session have the option to present their submission live and answer audience questions.

Submissions are due by December 13 and can be submitted online either in text with photos or via a short (less than one minute) video. The conference audience will vote on the winners.