Managing tools in the shop and on the go
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: FeaturesWhen Krisha Plauché, owner of Onboard Interiors & Hood Canvas, purchased the latter company in March 2023, some redesigning of her shop was required to accommodate the extra 1,000 square feet and expanded tool inventory that came with the Hood Canvas acquisition. Headquartered in Marblehead, Mass., the full-service design firm specializes in providing marine interiors [...]
Members OnlyFabricator focus: Kyle Van Damme
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: FeaturesWhen he’s not patterning and installing boat covers or managing sales and customer relations, sports enthusiast Kyle Van Damme, MFC, spends his free time boating, coaching track and field, and cheering for the Minnesota Vikings. Basketball, however, is his sport of choice for analogies about growing up—and growing a business—in the marine fabrication industry. In [...]
Members OnlyKeeping it together with adhesives and fasteners
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: FeaturesJohn Cavender, owner of Cavco Canvas Inc., in Centreville, Md., runs Boat Canvas University, where future fabricators learn about adhesives and fastening techniques for essential projects on boats such as this one. Photo: Cavco Canvas Inc. For many boat clients, life on board is about the sun glinting off a shiny hull, comfortable upholstery, glistening [...]
Members OnlyBimini top fitting basics
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: Exterior and Cover, ProjectsWhen fabricating a bimini top, doing things in the right order is as important as the technique itself. When I was asked to write about making a bimini top in 1,000 words or less, I knew this would be a challenge, considering that I probably speak 1,000 words during each step of the process when [...]
Growing your small shop
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: Interiors & Upholstery, ProjectsOnce the shop acquired enough tools for each sewing station to have a complete set, a color-coding system was implemented to keep track. Every shop is unique and there is no one-size-fits-all solution for growing your business. Yet you can facilitate positive change at any stage by following some basic principles and taking some simple [...]
Leadership and management smarts
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: Business, ManagementLeadership and management are closely related; however, despite often being spoken of in the same breath, they are certainly not synonymous. If we use those terms interchangeably, we tend to behave as if these roles are interchangeable and equivalent. Doing so means we miss critical components of excellence within our organizations. Destination vs. the path [...]
The right tools
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: EditorialAs a serious gardener, I think a lot about tools. Gardening in Minnesota is not for the faint of heart. Preparing the beds, pruning, weeding, planting and harvesting all happen in a relatively short period, so choosing the right tools, using them properly and keeping them in peak condition is critical to a successful harvest. [...]
2023 State of the industry
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: NewsThe Advanced Textiles Association’s annual State of the Industry survey shows that inflation, the supply chain and hiring remain top concerns, but revenues are up and growth plans are in the works for most respondents. Nearly 160 firms took the survey, with two-thirds having fewer than 50 employees. Most respondents were from end product manufacturers [...]
New members join MFA
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: NewsMarine Fabricators Association welcomes the following new members. For complete contact information, visit textiles.org/marine. Big Duck Canvas Winder, Ga.bigduckcanvas.com General Upholstery Supply Hialeah, Fla. Marine and Specialised Technologies Academy of New Zealand Auckland, New Zealandmastacademy.com Mid America Embroidery and Sewing Sparta, Tenn.midamericaembroideryandsewing.com Sunbelt Re-sales Roseville, Minn.sfrresales.com The Marine Fabricators Association (MFA) provides resources and programs for marine fabricators and establishes standards [...]
Industry Events
Published On: July 1, 2023Categories: EventsAll calendar events are subject to change. Please check websites for updated information. Sept. 22–23, 2023 MFA Pacific NorthwestRegional WorkshopOyster Creek CanvasBellingham, Wash.textiles.org/marineworkshops Nov. 1–3, 2023 Advanced Textiles Expo 2023Orange County Convention CenterOrlando, Fla.advancedtextilesexpo.comNov. 17–18, 2023 MFA Great Lakes WorkshopChicago Marine CanvasChicago, Ill.textiles.org/marineworkshops Jan. 25–27, 2024 MFA Conference 2024 Tradewinds ResortSt. Pete Beach, Fla.textiles.org/marineconference